21WOL Operations S.r.l., the 21 House of Stories facilities management company, aligns its business operations with a commitment to corporate social responsibility, anchored in values such as responsibility, ethics, integrity, fairness, transparency, and legality. 

The company’s Code of Ethics serves as a cornerstone for 21 House of Stories’ core values and standards of conduct. It provides guidance for all individuals within the Group (corporate bodies, management, and employees) and those who, directly or indirectly, engage with the Company, whether on a permanent or temporary basis


21WOL Operations S.r.l. has implemented Model 231 in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 231/2011 (LD 231/2011) to prevent the commission of offenses committed in the interest or to the advantage of the Company, and has established an independent Supervisory Board to exercise autonomous oversight and control functions in accordance with the law.

The Organization, Management and Control Model as mandated by Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, encompasses a comprehensive suite of rules, protocols, instruments, and procedures. These elements are meticulously designed to equip the Company with an effective and robust organizational, management, and control system. The primary objective is to proactively identify and mitigate the risk of offenses as stipulated by LD 231/2001 from being perpetrated by individuals employed by the organization or functionally associated with it, either in the Company’s interest or for its benefit.


21WOL Operations S.r.l. prioritizes the mitigation of potential risks that could compromise the accountable and sustainable administration of its operations. To this end, the Company has implemented a Whistleblowing Protocol, establishing a protected and confidential channel for employees and all stakeholders to report any recognized or suspected wrongdoing of which they become aware.

21WOL Operations S.r.l. encourages good faith reports in regard to any suspected or actual non-compliance with ethical standards, business principles, or applicable laws and regulations in good faith. The Company does not tolerate false accusations, harassment, mere suspicions or rumors, personal grievances, or claims. Disciplinary action will be taken against individuals who abuse this procedure.

The Company kindly requests that this channel be used exclusively for reporting potential non-compliance issues, not for complaints, communications, or commercial suggestions.

21WOL Operations S.r.l. acknowledges that whistleblowers may desire to remain anonymous. This option is permissible through the designated channels specified in the procedure.

Anonymous reports will be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated to assess the severity of the issue raised, its credibility, and the likelihood that the allegation can be corroborated by reliable sources.

To streamline the reporting and management process, 21WOL Operations S.r.l. has implemented a dedicated IT platform, which serves as the preferred channel for submitting reports.

If you wish to submit a report, log in  to the platform.